Tuesday, September 19, 2006


There is this cleaning powder available in market, called as Vim. And then there is the equivalent bar (I know, bar and the original can't be equivalent. Still) called Vim Bar. Both are as good at cleaning your dishes as you are, if not better.

The description applies to the greatest of text editor that goes by the same name. Vim, or Vi-Improved is boon to the tech-community blessed by Bram Moolenaar et. al. Enthusiast users like me will agree with me. It doesn't take long to get addicted to Vim and soon you would expect '/' to work in every other application that you are using. Earlier I had announced my wish that blogger should LaTeX tags. I am adding another side wish to it: blogger should support Vim commands.

For more technically inclined, let me list out maps etc from my .vimrc

map cmth I#<esc>
map <f2> :w<cr>
map <f5> :e!
map bu :buffers<cr>:b
set vb t_vb=
set nu!
set incsearch

Find all of the above too simple and boring?
Check the following of my new learnings:

gUU : make the whole line uppercase.
guu : make it all lowercase.
?/ : search for '/' without escaping (\/)
:g/(pattern)/# : show all the occurences of (pattern) with line numbers in one shot
:g/^\s*$/d : delete all blank lines
CTRL-R CTRL-W : Pull word onto search/command line
gf : open file name under cursor
q: : commandline history Window (puts you in full edit mode) (exit CTRL-C)
gCTRL-G : count words in text file
CTRL-G : prints the current file name
CTRL-A : in edit mode, inserts previously inerted text

Vim in Greek means strength. Remember, it needs to be used carefully and tactfully if you want it to work for you!

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