Sunday, August 06, 2006


How long the stars
Have been fading,
Lamplight dimming:
There is neither coming,
Nor going.
-Nansen, 748-834

Light dies in the eyes, hearing
Fades. Once back to the Source,
There's no special meaning-
Today, tomorrow.

Reading these Zen poems, I am reminded of something I wrote about Time. It went like this:

Thousands and millions of species,
Along with their re-incarnations,
Live and Die on their own.
They blame me, call me names:
Ruthless and uncaring.
They say me and tide don't wait
For anyone.
They say I go on.
And on. Oblivious
To what is happening around.
Is it?
I wonder.
I have been around for
An unknown.
And I'll be around for
An unknown.
The mortals, I see around me
Come and go.
They blame me, call me names:
Ruthless and uncaring.
They say me and tide don't wait
For anyone.
They blame me.
Me, the Time.
Who has been patiently waiting.
For ever!

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