Thursday, December 08, 2005

Caps off!

I have always liked hats and caps. They help me to keep my head :)

I remember when I was in tenth standard, I had this plain cap, of pista colour if I remember it correctly. That was the time when Star Wars was re-made with some digitally remastered soundtrack. There was a big promo happening all over, and my father got a couple of Start Wars trilogy emblems - I was quick enough to capitalise on that opportunity and pin one of those to my cap. It was some show-off for that age.

The next cap I remember was all black - The Men In Black promo cap. I had a Men In Black full sleeves T shirt to go with it. It was an instant hit - I mean the attire, not the movie! This cap was with me for a long long time, before I lost it during one of the cricket matches at IISc.

And now I have my Intel cap. It's a better show-off though I do not wear it much.

In my very young days, I imagined one day I'll be wearing one of those Bowler Hats just like Charlie Chaplin and will be bowing to a lady passing by! Just like a Hero.
This cap topic reminds me of an interesting story. The backdrop is of Texas. The state well-known for the cowboy headgear - the cowboy caps.
Once upon a time in Texas, there was this gang of cowboys. The boys were all clad in weathered Jeans and sleeves-rolled-up shirts. They were studying in a famous school. Everyday, they used to ride to school on their horses - almost racing to school, should I say.

On this particular day, the guys had their exams. Whether it be India or abroad, students will be students. Never ready for the exam. They were up to their last minute preparations, which meant they were getting late. Hurriedly, they jumped on their horses and rushed to school. The horses also seemed to realise that their masters were having a tough time studying, for they were running at their top speed without any orders.

Breathing hard and skipping stairs, they finally reached the exam hall. When they entered they found the teacher was distributing the question papers. With a slight apology, the gang begged the teacher to allow them to write the exam. Alright, he said, and handed them their answer-sheets and questions.

And this was the start of a mystery.

Once they got the question paper, they realised they actually could solve most of the problems. They were happy about it. Delighted by this seemingly easy exam, they started answering, one by one.

And what a miracle - they found that they could write only in upper-case (which, if you have observed yourself, is slow and difficult to write correctly). All of the gang members started looking at each other: all of them were facing the same problem. Why was this happening? What spell had come over them? Were they doomed for ever? Could they get back to normal writing?

For these answers, you need to investigate a bit in this mysterious matter. If you have noticed, they hurriedly left their houses for the exam. And that means, there is every chance that they might have forgotten... - what?

Yes. There it is. There is the answer to the puzzle. There is the mystery solved.

For sure, these guys had left their caps locked in their houses.

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