Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hungarian Fish

When our organization took us out for half-a-day picnic to Golden Palm Resorts (the mangal karyalaya for Hrithik Roshan) I looked forward to two things: Food and the squash court.

I developed healthy hunger (read 'appetite') as we reached there well past noon.

The menu was quite exhaustive, from noodles to soups, from garlic bread to boondi raita, from paneer to mixed vegetables, everything (well, almost everything) one could wish for was on the buffet. I was looking out for Fish. The menu plate besides read, 'Hungarian Fish'. My thinking organ tried to recall geography of Europe. I did not recall if Hungary had any sea as its neighbor. Hungarian fish, interesting!

It was so interesting it was tasteless. Either my taste-buds or the fish's were to blame. I had never left fish in the plate all in my life. This Hungarian sea animal, perhaps born and brought up in a lake near Bangalore made me do just that. What a big let down, really!
'Good appetite and sea fish!' I was talking to a colleague at the lunch table.

'You must be a real fish lover,' he said, 'I can see a spark in your eyes!'
A real fish lover, yes I am. But only if you serve me real fish. And not its Hungarian cousin.
Oh no!

And this marks 500th post on this blog!

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