Monday, June 13, 2005


It's a long time since I quit solving crosswords. Not that I didn't like them, but I could never complete even the most naive ones, let alone the cryptic class. After so many years now, I have found a new interest in newspaper-based games. sudoku is the name of the puzzle.

The puzzle involves 9 x 9 matrix, subdivided into 9 3 x 3 matrices. In each of these three matrices, one has to fit the numbers from 1 to 9, without repetition such that in the parent 9 x 9 matrix, each number appears only once in a column and in a row.

Here is a Wikipedia page that explains the history, techniques of solving and mathematics behind this puzzle to which I am now addicted, thanks to The Hindu, that publishes one sudoku per day. Only one >:(

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