Monday, June 06, 2005

The Journey

            I knew not destination but the road
            that goes where, O friend,
            to my mind nobody had ever told

            The destination would be a surprise
            they kept me in a mystery.
            They wouldn't tell - not even the wise

            I was never lost though, in the journey
            yet always trying to look ahead
            always, I could see a beacon too many

            But never could I get over the anxiety
            of what waited for me in the way.
            Couldn't help it: was it the will of almighty?

            I sped fast, never rested, never did I
            stop on the way, overlooked the roses
            a lake blue placid, or mountains so high

            Of flowers they sang all around me
            Of the blue moon they sang, and of the sea
            No, not my stop - thought it was not for me

            Running, gasping, always looking up there
            Patiently, I rode on, day in and day out
            And soon I realised that the end was near

            Finally, thought I had reached the end of it
            or at least my colleagues told me so
            but I could not believe them despite

            I asked Him, "Is this the destination?"
            "Yes and No", He answered,
            "How do you mean?" was my exclamation

            "Nobody told you of the destination
            for were you supposed to find it
            in your journey, with determination"

            And I realised that how it was true!
            disappointing destination was it for sure
            And sadly, I couldn't begin the journey anew

            Trying to find out what lay at the end
            I had forgotten to live the journey, and indeed,
            Without living, I had taken the final dead bend

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